How to fast during Ramadan and what restrictions should you adhere to

Ramadan, the ninth month of the Islamic lunar calendar, is of great importance to Muslims around the world.

This period is marked by intense spiritual devotion, introspection and the strengthening of community ties. During Ramadan, Muslims practice fasting from dawn to dusk, which reminds them of the first revelation of the Koran to the Prophet Muhammad, marking the beginning of the Islamic faith. Everyone can find out more information on the

Fasting during Ramadan is one of the five pillars of Islam, and it promotes many spiritual and social benefits. By abstaining from eating, drinking, and other physical needs, Muslims learn self-discipline and self-control while developing empathy and compassion for those less fortunate. This act of sacrifice is a reminder of the blessings that are often taken for granted, and encourages charity and generosity towards others.

Ramadan is also a time of deep spiritual reflection. Muslims devote more time to prayer, reading the Koran and understanding their relationship with Allah. This is a period of purification of thoughts and actions, striving for righteousness and seeking forgiveness. Increased attention to spirituality during Ramadan allows Muslims to get closer to Allah, strengthen their faith and leave the month with a renewed sense of purpose.

During the daytime of Ramadan, Muslims abstain from eating, drinking, smoking and intimate relationships. Instead, the focus is on spiritual practices such as prayer, reading the Koran, and charity.  In the evenings, Muslims participate in common prayer and share meals with family and friends, which strengthens community ties and a sense of unity.

Fasting in Ramadan is not only a spiritual, but also a physical challenge. By following these ten tips, you can maintain health and well-being throughout the month while enjoying all aspects of this sacred time.